215 People’s Alliance Endorses Bernie Sanders

This past Saturday, the 215 People’s Alliance Steering Committee unanimously voted to endorse Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders as the Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party nomination.  ‘The campaign slogan “Not Me, Us” encapsulates the work we do at 215 People’s Alliance organizing for economic and racial justice. We know that we can’t win any victories […]

We Did it!

Philadelphia just made history. From its inception 215 People’s Alliance has believed the key to winning power is building unity between community based social movements and the progressive sector of the Labor movement. This election was a big step forward in realizing that aim. For the first time in seven decades, our city said enough […]

Northeast Philly Rally for Kendra and Nic

215 PA Members stand with signs supporting Kendra Brooks and Nicolas O'Rourke for City Council

Northeast supporters of Kendra Brooks and Nic O’Rourke and members of 215PA’s Northeast Chapter rallied today in front of the NE Free Library Branch on Cottman Ave. The 215PA Northeast chapter is a diverse group of Northeast residents who believe their vision for our city is what our neighborhoods need. There’s a long time myth […]

It’s Time For A New Social Contract! Naomi Klein, Kendra Brooks

Join bestselling author and journalist Naomi Klein, National Director of The Working Families Party Maurice Mitchell in conversation with Philadelphia community leaders on how we can build a new social contract for our best possible future. We’ll begin with opening remarks from Working Families candidate for Philly City Council At-large Kendra Brooks, and hear from […]

End the tax abatement, fund healthy schools and affordable housing!

For years the 10 year tax abatement has funneled money into the pockets of developers and benefited mostly people who can afford to buy condos or luxury townhouses. The schools, which depend on property tax revenue, have been hurt and many are unhealthy for students and staff because of deferred maintenance. Luxury development in some […]

Let’s get Working Families on the Ballot!

Across the city, members of 215 People’s Alliance have been kicking off their summer by collecting petition signatures to get Working Families Party candidates, Kendra Brooks and Pastor Nicolas O’Rourke on the ballot for City Councilmember At-Large. The goal is to collect 10,000 signatures! One of the best ways to collect signatures is to visit […]

The People’s Supper

We’re partnering with the Popular Alliance for Undocumented Workers Rights, Ben’s amazing restaurant worker led movement, to do a meal and discussion at Life Do Grow Farm in North Philly on Tuesday May 14th ahead of the election. We’ll have our very own Kendra Brooks and Isaiah Thomas from our May 21st Slate for the […]

REPORT: Councilman Allan Domb’s Tax Abatement Profits

‘Let Them Eat Lead’: How Allan Domb Profits off the 10-Year Tax Abatement and Bankrupts Philly Schools Prepared by Philly Power Research for 215 People’s Alliance April 2019 Download the Report Here Introduction For years, education and housing justice organizations have called for the end of Philadelphia’s ten-year tax abatement. The abatement rewards luxury real […]

Apply to be an Organizing Director for 215 People’s Alliance

215 People’s Alliance is a volunteer-led multiracial organization dedicated to fighting for equity and justice in Philadelphia at the ballot box, and in the streets. After a few short years 215 People’s Alliance has helped win a number of crucial campaigns in the Philadelphia area. We anchored the Our City Our Schools campaign to regain […]