It’s Time For A New Social Contract! Naomi Klein, Kendra Brooks


Join bestselling author and journalist Naomi Klein, National Director of The Working Families Party Maurice Mitchell in conversation with Philadelphia community leaders on how we can build a new social contract for our best possible future. We’ll begin with opening remarks from Working Families candidate for Philly City Council At-large Kendra Brooks, and hear from local speakers including Kris Henderson (Amistad Law Project); Nancy Nguyen (Alliance for a Just Philadelphia); Esteban Kelley (U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives); and Nora Elmarzouky (Philadelphia Climate Works). Discussion moderated by Cathy Albisa of the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative.

With our climate, democracy and economy unraveling all at once, our current social contract needs to be replaced with something new that can meet the challenges of our time. Our communities and social movements already have the solutions. The New Social Contract Tour is bringing national and local leaders together and put these solutions onto the national stage.

Discussion moderated by Cathy Albisa of the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative.

We can, and must, fight for and build this future together.

Sponsored by 215 People’s Alliance, Rights & Democracy, Working Families Party, Center For Popular Democracy, MIC Center, and National Economic and Social Rights Initiative.


Doors at 5:30pm, Program at 6:00pm

Arch Street United Methodist Church

55 N. Broad Street
