Launching Reimagining Philadelphia: Building Power with 215 People’s Alliance

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically exposed a system that promotes profits over people. We need to build a movement that demands transformative changes that empowers working people and marginalized communities, while challenging the power of corporations and the rich. Now is our time to reimagine a transformative city. REGISTER HERE for June 6th 1:00 PM […]

Statement on the recent murders and violence by police

The past week weighs heavily on hearts. We mourn the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and Sean Reed. We mourn the deaths of loved ones lost to COVID-19, that has had a disproportionate impact on our Black and Brown communities. Our collective grief is fueled by the knowledge that these […]

COVID-19 and the Black Community: Why Philly Needs a Black Stimulus

On June 2, 2:00 pm, 215 People’s Alliance, the Office of Councilmember Brooks and WURD cohost COVID-19 & the Black Community: Why Philly Needs a Black Stimulus. In Philly, the poorest big city in the country, communities of color were already faced with unequal access to healthcare, a broken social safety net, and one of […]

South Philly Review – Barbacoa opens kitchen to support hunger drive

As business owners who live walking distance from their restaurant, Cristina Martinez and Ben Miller saw the immediate need to feed hungry neighbors. The married couple owns the South Philly Barbacoa at 1140 S. 9th St. in the Passyunk Square neighborhood and wanted to help fight food insecurity during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Their restaurant, […]

REPORT: Councilman Allan Domb’s Tax Abatement Profits

‘Let Them Eat Lead’: How Allan Domb Profits off the 10-Year Tax Abatement and Bankrupts Philly Schools Prepared by Philly Power Research for 215 People’s Alliance April 2019 Download the Report Here Introduction For years, education and housing justice organizations have called for the end of Philadelphia’s ten-year tax abatement. The abatement rewards luxury real […]

Apply to be a Field Organizer with 215PA this Spring

215 People’s Alliance is a multiracial organization dedicated to fighting for equity and justice in Philadelphia at the ballot box, and in the streets. Since hiring staff in the Fall of 2016, 215 People’s Alliance has been active in multiple campaigns, including the Our City Our Schools campaign to regain local control of the schools, […]

Apply to be an Organizing Director for 215 People’s Alliance

215 People’s Alliance is a volunteer-led multiracial organization dedicated to fighting for equity and justice in Philadelphia at the ballot box, and in the streets. After a few short years 215 People’s Alliance has helped win a number of crucial campaigns in the Philadelphia area. We anchored the Our City Our Schools campaign to regain […]