Vote with the People’s Platform!


It’s time to vote for candidates who will advance a platform to serve the people. Will you sign on?

The past two years have transformed the political landscape both nationally, and within Pennsylvania. Donald Trump’s election turned politics-as-usual on its head, and the congressional districts of Pennsylvania have been redrawn to avoid gerrymandering that had stacked our congressional races against candidates who would stand up for the people.

Will you pledge to vote for candidates that support a People’s Platform?

With the 2018 midterm elections on the horizon, we have the opportunity to push back against the policies of hate and injustice coming from the Trump administration and the tea party controlled legislature in Harrisburg. The primaries for these elections are on May 15, and we’re asking you to sign our petition pledging to vote with the People’s Platform, and support candidates who:

1. Support full funding for public education. Increase revenue by increasing taxes on the rich and corporations.

2. Support health care for all. Create a national Medicare for All system, and stop the threatened rollback of Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act.

3. Support a $15 minimum wage. Invest in public works and infrastructure to create jobs at a living wage, and defend union rights to organize and bargain.

4. Support programs that will create affordable housing for low and middle income people. Stop redlining by banks, and reverse policies that increase homelessness and displacement.

5. Fight white supremacy. End mass incarceration and police abuse, stop the attacks on undocumented immigrants and Muslims, and protect and extend the right to vote.

6. Demand equality for women. Stop discrimination on the job, ensure equal pay for equal work, and defend reproductive rights.

215 People’s Alliance has determined that the following candidates are aligned with the People’s Platform, through the policies they support and advocate for:

In the 5th Congressional District: Richie Lazer

For State Representative:

Joe Hohenstein in the 177th District (Northeast Philly)

Malcolm Kenyatta in the 181st District (North Central Philly)

Liz Fiedler in the 184th District (South Philly)

Jim Roebuck in the 188th District (West Philly)

Chris Rabb in the 200th District (Northwest Philly)

To show your support for the People’s Platform, sign on here, and sign up to volunteer with 215PA. Watch our Facebook and Twitter for more info and to share and show your friends and family.

