
215 People's Alliance

215 People’s Alliance (215PA) is a multi-racial, membership-based collective dedicated to building poor and working-class solidarity, equity, and justice in Philadelphia’s Black, Brown, immigrant, and white communities through immediate calls to action, community education, solidarity sharing, and long-term individual and community capacity-building. We are parents and neighbors, teachers and students, union members and block captains, cab drivers and cashiers working to unite a broad sector of Philadelphians at the ballot box and in the streets.

Power to the People

Voices of the Unheard Poster

Leading Campaign

Voices of The Unheard project collects and shares stories that center the transformative process of those incarcerated. Justice 4 All group will disseminate 15 stories through multi-media social posts, a printed poster series starting Friday August 5th, 2022. The culmination of these stories will be transformed into a listening session/art exhibit this fall.

Voices of the Unheard is part of the larger abolition and transformative justice project, the Future of Justice, both conceived of by Rob “Mjasiri” Dowell of Kensington, currently in the 12th year of a 25-50 year sentence he received when he was 20 years old. Rob has called in every Tuesday/Wednesday night for Justice 4 All meetings to help facilitate this project. Also using his calls to help transcribe others stories.

Stay tuned and follow @215peoplesalliance on Instagram and Facebook for stories.

In these challenging times, we all need to do our part to defend and expand the rights of our communities. Philly We Rise, powered by our sister organization 215 People’s Alliance Education Fund, is a hub for taking action on your block, in your neighborhood, in your community, for the world we all deserve. Visit the Philly We Rise website to sign up for Philly We Rise’s action events newsletter and submit your events for promotion. Philly We Rise is independent of any political party or affiliation.

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